A Silk Embroidered Spanish Almspurse

by Helena Kassandreia, MKA Jessica Gebhard, Shire of Roxbury Mill  Introduction In the pre-pocket era, purses were a common means of carrying around money and small, precious items. Depending on…

The Nine Worthies Revisited

by Deirdre O’Siodhachain (Terry Sheehan) This article originally appeared in The Oak #8. It has been revised and dated April 8, 2023. A roasted peacock dressed with its feathers is…

Interview with Lord Aurelio Vitrisoni

The Oak recently interviewed Lord Aurelio Vitrisoni regarding his display at Kingdom Arts and Sciences (KASF). Lord Aurelio’s work and citations can be found as well on his website: https://sites.google.com/view/aurelio-vitrisoni/home …