Submission Guidelines


  • Any size or format of article in support of SCA mission of learning about pre-1600 CE is welcome.
  • The Oak Editor reserves the right to not publish content.
  • The Oak staff will provide limited editorial support.
  • The quality and accuracy of content is the responsibility of the author.
  • Publication is ongoing with two major compilations published in PDF format annually.
  • Any questions can be directed to the Editor of The Oak at

Welcome to the new online Oak!

The Oak is a newsletter produced by the Arts and Sciences community of the SCA Kingdom of Atlantia. The Kingdom of Atlantia is a region of the international educational organization “The Society for Creative Anachronism”. Please see the Kingdom of Atlantia home page here and the SCA home page here.

Anything you would like to share in support of the SCA mission of learning about our world before the year 1600 CE is welcome for publication on The Oak. Short articles that simply introduce a concept or long papers that include many citations: all are welcome! The Oak uses  an online WordPress site format that allows for any length of text and inclusion of pictures, links, audio recordings, and videos.

(Due to storage space limitations, videos will need to be hosted on another platform, such as You Tube, Vimeo, etc. Links to your publicly available videos should be used to include videos in your Oak article.)

Any time period and geographic location from before 1600 CE is acceptable. We are especially interested in areas, times, and topics that generally receive less attention in the SCA or are harder to display in other venues. 

The requirements for submission are simple, with the caveat that they may change and the Editor reserves the right to not publish a submission. The Editor works closely with the Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences and the Atlantia Kingdom Chronicler. These three officers will discuss any unforeseen issues as they arise.

Formatting for the article is decided by the author, but may be adjusted to fit the WordPress publishing software.  If the author wishes guidance for formatting and citations, the APA formatting and citation guide are recommended:   Purdue OWL’s APA citation guide:

Size of the article is determined by the author, but if guidance is requested, around 2000-3000 words is recommended for an average blog style article.


  • Use this link to submit content: 
  • The author must own copyright to all submitted content or have documentation supporting their use of content to publish on The Oak. 
  • The author must sign and upload an SCA Creative Work Copyright Assignment/Grant of Use Form ( Be sure to check off the following items:
    • “Publish the Work once in an issue of [THE OAK]”
    • “Publish the Work electronically”
    • “Publish the Work on a SCA web site for [THE OAK]”
  • The author is responsible for the quality and accuracy of their material.
    • The Editor and Content Deputy will review all submissions. Suggestions may be made by The Oak staff for grammar, punctuation, spelling, and general clarity of language, but editing by the Oak staff will be limited. 
  • Authors may submit their materials at any time.
    • The Oak publishes two general issues a year in January and June, but the main body of publications for The Oak are ongoing via blog function. 

Current staff members include:

Editor: Baroness Sophia the Orange

Content Deputy: Lady Mariana Ruiz de Medina

Any questions can be directed to the Editor of The Oak at