Greetings fair Atlantia, and vivat for the Heirs!
16 talented artisans competed or displayed in Tempore Atlantia at Crown Tourney for the heirs, Abran and Anya! Each and every one presented an outstanding example of their art or science, and I want to thank each of them for entering.
The winner of Tempore 1500-1600 was Sir Odde ap Tam with his breathtaking bobbin lace!
I would also like to take a moment to thank every person who turned out to view the competition, and all of the good gentles who gave part of their day to judge. Crown is a busy day, and every minute you spend with us is appreciated.
Reminder: the next Tempore will happen at 12th Night, and will cover prehistory-1000 CE. We hope to see you all there!
In Service,
Baroness Beatriz
Competitions Deputy