A&S Notables and Champions of Atlantia

By Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences

December 12, 2024

At the Atlantia Curia meeting of March 10, 2024, while at Gulf Wars, Their Majesties Mary Isabel and Ragnarr decided on numerous changes to Atlantia Kingdom law. Some of these changes applied to the arts and sciences, specifically how Kingdom Champions and Notables are managed. Those changes were described in The Oak newsletter article at this  link: https://oak.atlantia.sca.org/changes-in-atlantia-law-affecting-the-as-community/ 

This article lays out the current administrative structure of Notables and Champions. Atlantians are encouraged to learn the current structure as we prepare for selecting new Notables and Champions in the coming year.


    • Notables serve for a term of one year.
    • Champions serve for a term of one reign.
    • Both are chosen by the Crown.
    • Notables are chosen by competition at Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival (KASF) unless otherwise noted.
      • Bard(s) is/are chosen at Twelfth Night.
    • Champions are chosen at the whim of the Crown.

    Atlantia’s A&S Notables are:

    • Brewer
    • Baker
    • Bard 
    • Poeta
    • Scientist (new)
    • Artisan (new)

    Atlantia’s A&S Champions are historically chosen one per reign, but Crowns can choose to do otherwise.

    Atlantia Kingdom Law, Appendix E, lays out the requirements for Kingdom Royal Notables.

    Atlantia Kingdom Law, Appendix F, lays out the requirements for Kingdom Champions.

    Atlantia Law and Policy documents are hosted on the kingdom website here: https://atlantia.sca.org/officers/seneschal/governing-documents/ 

    The Administrative Structure for Kingdom Royal Notables

      Per Kingdom Law, the duties and responsibilities of Notables are:

      • The Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected. 
      • Suggested goals and duties are:
        • Services in their discipline for the Crown
        • Sponsoring at least two competitions in their field during their tenure
        • Working with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of their discipline
        • Teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable

      Kingdom Law Section E.3. Selection of a Kingdom Royal Notable

      Kingdom Royal Notable competitions are held annually at Kingdom Level Events, unless the Crown sees a need to do otherwise.

      • Competitions shall be run by the current Kingdom Royal Notable, as a representative of the Crown, in consultation with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State, if applicable.
      • If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to run the competition for their successor, the Crown, in consultation with the appropriate Great Officer of State, shall designate a proxy to run the competition. 
      • Competitions will be announced on the Kingdom Announcements List and in the Kingdom Newsletter’s or its electronic supplement at least twice before the event where the competition takes place. 
      • The current Kingdom Royal Notable, in conjunction with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State shall set the details of the competition and judging standards.
      • Judges should be drawn from the following:
        •  The Crown or their proxy
        •  The Heirs or their proxy
        •  The appropriate Great Officer of State or their proxy
        •  The current Royal Notable
      •  Additional judges may be chosen at the discretion of the Royal Notable
      •  It is recommended that there are at least three judges
      •  The Kingdom Royal Notable shall be chosen by the Crown
      •  Kingdom Royal Notables must be citizens of the Kingdom of Atlantia

      The Administrative Structure of the Kingdom Champions

        Champions can be chosen from any of the martial disciplines, arts and sciences, or anything else the Monarchs wish to recognize.

        The Kingdom Champions are expected to represent one or both of their Majesties or Highnesses in their chosen area to the best of their ability. They are to be both a representative of the activity and an ambassador of it.

        • Champions serve for the duration of the reign for which they are selected.

        The Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion for excellence in their chosen field of arts and science display, to be a representative of the Crown at Interkingdom Events such as Gulf Wars or Pennsic War, for the Arts and Science War Point competitions. The Champion is selected solely at the discretion of the Crown, and there may be more than one Champion selected.

        Further details regarding the A&S Champions:

        The A&S Champion of the Winter Reign is expected to either compete at the Gulf Wars Interkingdom A&S Competition or help the Crown find a proxy to do so. Atlantia always has a slot to compete in the Gulf Wars A&S Competition.

        The A&S Champion of the Summer Reign is expected to either compete at the Pennsic  Interkingdom A&S Competition or help the Crown find a proxy to do so, if the Kingdom of Atlantia is granted a slot to compete in the Pennsic A&S Competition.

        (Competitors are encouraged to note all other competitors in each Champion competition in case they are called upon to help find a proxy. Competitors who are not selected as Champion can often be excellent candidates for War Competition proxies.)

        New positions resulting from the law changes of March 2024

          Before the law changes of TRMs Mary Isabel and Ragnarr, confusion occurred regarding the Kingdom A&S Champion and expectations for that person to compete at Gulf Wars or Pennsic. The length of time that person served as Champion was also inconsistent. The law changes of March 2024 created clarity regarding the duration of service and also created new positions.

          New Positions Created:

          • Notable, Royal Scientist
            • Duties are to support all sciences.
          • Notable, Royal Artisan
            • Duties are to support any arts not already supported by another Notable.

          Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival 2025 will be the first time these positions are filled. The KMOAS staff is currently developing the competitions to assist the Crown in selecting these new Notables. 

          Please note, the dominant school of thought in Atlantia currently is to allow the creator to self-determine if their creation should be considered an Art or a Science. The choice to enter a creation in the competition for an art or science is left to the discretion of the creator.

          Other Kingdom Notables outside the KMOAS office

          1. Royal Scrivener: Serves as the personal scribe of the Crown and is managed by the Kingdom Herald’s office. Chosen per reign at Coronation. Serves for the duration of the reign.
          2. Royal Archer: Chosen by tournament and is managed by the Kingdom Marshal’s office. Serves a one year term. 
          3. First Sword of Atlantia: Rapier. Chosen by tournament and is managed by the Kingdom Marshal’s office. Serves a term of one year.
            1. Per kingdom law, “The competition to choose a new First Sword of Atlantia should be held within the first month after Fall Coronation after consultation with the new Crown.”

            What to expect in Atlantia during 2025

              Atlantia’s Twelfth Night event will host the following:

              • TRMs Iul’iana and Randall will select their A&S Champion. (See other article)
              • TRMs Iul’iana and Randall will select the new Royal Bard(s). 

              Atlantia’s Kingdom Arts and Sciences Festival will host the following:

              • TRMs Iul’iana and Randall will select the Notables of:
                • Baker
                • Brewer
                • Poeta
                • Scientist (new)
                • Artisan (new)

              For questions about any content in this article, please contact Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences via moas@officer.atlantia.sca.org

              For reference: Text of Appendix E & F from Atlantia Kingdom Law (pages 40-42)

              Appendix E – Charter for the Kingdom Royal Notables

              The Kingdom Royal Notables are selected for excellence in their field. They are expected to combine excellence of product or performance with a reasonable attempt at period materials and/or style.

              E.1. Duties and Responsibilities of Kingdom Royal Notables

              The Kingdom Royal Notables are expected to encourage the disciplines for which they are selected. Suggested goals and duties are:

              • Services in their discipline for the Crown
              • Sponsoring at least two competitions in their field during their tenure
              • Working with Branch Officers to encourage the growth of their discipline
              • Teaching in such venues as are available and reasonable

              E.2. Kingdom Royal Notables

              The Kingdom Royal Notables are positions held in service to the Crown of Atlantia for the tenure of one year, except for the Scrivener Royal. All Kingdom Notables are overseen by the Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences, with the exception of the Royal Archer and the First Sword of Atlantia, which fall under the Kingdom Earl Marshal, and the Scrivener Royal which falls under the Triton Herald.

              E.2.1. The Royal Bard for excellence in the individual performance of any of the following fields: Singing, Instrumental music, Poetic rendition, Storytelling. The Royal Bard is encouraged to be proficient in at least two of these fields. One or two bards will serve at the same time, depending on the whim of the Crown.

              E.2.2. The Royal Brewer for excellence in making beer, ale, mead, wine, or other period alcoholic beverages.

              E.2.3. The Poeta Atlantia for excellence in composition of poetry in at least two period forms.

              E.2.4. The Scrivener Royal for excellence in calligraphy and illumination, and acts as the personal scribe of the Crown. The Scrivener Royal shall serve a term of six months and the competition to choose a new Scrivener Royal shall be held at Coronation. The Scrivener Royal must work in close cooperation with the Clerk of the Signet, ensuring the Clerk Signet is aware of all scribal tasks that have been assigned by the Crown.

              E.2.5. The Royal Baker for excellence in producing baked goods such as breads, cakes, pastries, and wafers. The baker shall be proficient in at least two period types of baking.

              E.2.6. The Royal Artisan for excellence in any artistic medium not already represented by another notable.

              E.2.7. The Royal Scientist (Alchemist) for excellence in any of the various period sciences not already represented by another notable.

              E.2.8 The Royal Archer for their excellence on the archery ranges. The Royal Archer is to be chosen each year by right of arms. The outgoing Royal Archer shall conduct, and not participate in, an archery shoot open to all at an event where archery is the focus of the day. The top eight scoring archers from Atlantia at that archery event, who so choose to compete for the title, shall compete in a single elimination tournament. At the discretion of the Crown, the winner of the tournament shall become the new Royal Archer.

              E.2.9. The First Sword of Atlantia for their excellence in rapier combat. The First Sword of Atlantia is to be chosen by right of arms and shall serve a term of one year. The competition to choose a new First Sword of Atlantia should be held within the first month after Fall Coronation after consultation with the new Crown. The First Sword of Atlantia shall conduct, and not participate in, a rapier tournament open to all at an event where rapier combat is a scheduled

              activity. At the discretion of the Crown, the winner of the tournament shall become the new First Sword of Atlantia.

              E.3. Selection of a Kingdom Royal Notable

              Kingdom Royal Notable competitions are held annually at Kingdom Level Events, unless the Crown sees a need to do otherwise.

              Competitions shall be run by the current Kingdom Royal Notable, as a representative of the Crown, in consultation with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State, if applicable

              If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to run the competition for their successor, the Crown, in consultation with the appropriate Great Officer of State, shall designate a proxy to run the competition Competitions will be announced on the Kingdom Announcements List and in the Kingdom Newsletter’s or its’ electronic supplement at least twice before the event where the competition takes place. 

              The current Kingdom Royal Notable, in conjunction with the Crown and appropriate Great Officer of State shall set the details of the competition and judging standards

              Judges should be drawn from the following:

              • The Crown or their proxy
              • The Heirs or their proxy
              • The appropriate Great Officer of State or their proxy
              • The current Royal Notable

              Additional judges may be chosen at the discretion of the Royal Notable

              It is recommended that there are at least three judges

              The Kingdom Royal Notable shall be chosen by the Crown

              Kingdom Royal Notables must be citizens of the Kingdom of Atlantia

              E.4. Removal of a Kingdom Royal Notable

              The Crown may remove a Kingdom Royal Notable at Their discretion. If the Kingdom Royal Notable is unable to complete his or her term or is removed early for any reason, the Crown shall direct the appropriate Great Officer of State to hold a competition at the next convenient Kingdom Level Event, or the Crown may choose a successor.

              Appendix F – Charter for Kingdom Champions

              Champions can be chosen from any of the martial disciplines, arts and sciences, or anything else the Monarchs wish to recognize.

              F.1 Duties and Responsibilities of Kingdom Champions

              The Kingdom Champions are expected to represent one or both of their Majesties or Highnesses in their chosen area to the best of their ability. They are to be both a representative of the activity and an ambassador of it.

              Champions serve for the duration of the reign for which they are selected.

              F.2 Kingdom Champions

              F.2.1 The Kingdom Arts and Sciences Champion for excellence in their chosen field of arts and science display, to be a representative of the Crown at Interkingdom Events such as Gulf Wars or Pennsic War, for the Arts and Science War Point competitions. The Champion is selected solely at the discretion of the Crown, and there may be more than one Champion selected.

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