Poetry Challenge: Haiku Compilation

Lady Elizabeth de Spaulding (named Poeta Atlantia at Ruby Joust 2023) issued a challenge to the populace of Atlantia and they rose in force to compose haiku. Below are many of those compositions, in alphabetical order by first name of the submitter.

Picture and Poem by Matsuo Basho, 1688, sourced from Wikimedia Commons

The Saber Strikes by Lord Alekzandr Tomasovic of the Barony of Hawkwood

My name is Lord Aleksandr Tomasovic. I am a 13th century Kievan Rus Druzhina, and Cadet to Baron Cataldo Querini. I am currently the Rapier Champion for the Barony of Hawkwood.

A saber held high

The point drives home from the side

The curved blade tricks you

Singing by Mistress Arianna Morgan of the Barony of Lochmere

Mistress Arianna Morgan is the founder and director of Laydes Fayre. Laydes Fayre is an inter-baronial treble choir based in the Barony of Lochmere. She has directed the Pennsic Choir and the auditioned choir, Chorulus Pennsicus numerous times. Although she is a composer and arranger, she insists that she is not a poet.

Singing dulcet tones

Brings ambiance to events

Come join us in song

Project Paralysis by Lazy Cassia “Kissy” of the Barony of Sacred Stone and responses

Transplant from Caid, I love how green Atlantia is, but the humidity has to go. Love how welcoming everyone is and looking forward to learning how to use my sewing machine.

Buy all the fabric,

needles, yarn, ribbon, and thread.

Then never use it.

From Lady Sonya Flicker:

Don’t lie to yourself

No, you will not use these pretties

Kind estate planning

One can buck the trend

Only buy what is needed

Another way to win

Look what I made!

Accomplishment with friend’s help

So very grateful

Equestrian by Herrin Clara Brauer of the Shire of Roxbury Mill

Pearl of divers arts in northern Atlantia.

Horse and rider move

Hitting reeds and spearing rings

Champion is sought

My Loves by Máistreás Cellach Mór of the Barony of Lochmere

Máistreás Cellach Mór can be reached to discuss the many and varied arts she enjoys at cellach.mor@gmail.com.

Fierce, caring, and true

Yrsa so brave and nimble

My partner My Love

They’re Maistra’s student

Service jam and cooking skill

My Kid, Kelson Mor

Jenifer D’Winter

Talented in metal arts

A true service heart

You love who you love

Everyone is welcome here

Happy Pride Month y’all

My Dream by Lady Genevote la Feseresse of the Barony of Black Diamond

Genevote is the MOAS for Black Diamond and is interested in all things A&S. She focuses on scribal and stained glass, but that’s always subject to change! She can be contacted at genthemaker@gmail.com.

Chosen family

Old magics around the fire

Lifetime of friendship

Gone by Lord Heinrich von Holstein of the Barony of Ponte Alto

Fighter, chef. Not the worst at poetry; I appreciate it for encouraging brevity.

Where did my peer go?

Distracted for five seconds…

Deceptively fast.

Lament by Machteld Cleine of the Canton of Cydllan Downs

Photography, performing arts, occasional writer or fiber dabbler. Loving people, loving art, loving all the nerdy things we do with each other.

Light fading faster

Images held forever

Now lost to darkness

Beer by Ormarr Raumson of the Canton of Elvegast

I’m just a simple brewer.

Grain soaked in water

Yeast merrily farting gas

Golden ale for all.

The Assistant by Noble Rinn of the Canton of Brockore Abbey

Dipping my toes into something new.

Start a new project

Please, beckons the small white paw

Make some room for me~

The Many Haiku of Lady Sonya Flicker called Patches of the Barony of Storvik

Patches loves Haikous. Writes some occasionally. Story telling fun.

Dancing is fun!

Many plans afoot

A full week of Pennsic balls

Delightful dancing

To Lady Elizabeth de Spaulding:

Thanks for this challenge

Reading Haikous are very fun!

You are marvelous

To Baron Cataldo Querini: Drink Up

Hate Pennsic water

Tastes foul, nasty, and yucky

Bottled water wins!

To Patrick Conrad: Kids are Our Future

Crown has pranked me

Toy chest was thrust at me!

Tiny terrors chasing!

To Lydia Leovic Towery:

Can be many things

Amazing warmth coming up


To Debbie DeTreville:

Seven years are kept

On the eighth year, big bonfire!

So much rejoicing

To Baroness Azza al-Shiraziyya:

Any theme you wish

Rhyming not necessary

Can change topic. Moose!

Speaking Hands by Maestra Suzanne de la Ferté of the Canton of Charlesbury Crossing

I am the current Society Silent Herald Deputy. I’ve been signing for more than 50 years and am a CODA (Child Of Deaf Adults) which means both my parents are deaf (as are my brother and sister). If you’d like more information about Silent Heraldry, please feel free to contact me at SuzanneBooth@gmail.com

Crown words on the air

Concepts are vivid pictures

Conveyed to the Deaf

Combat by Þorgrímr kráka of the Barony of Stierbach

I fight, and I make things. www.thorgrimrkraka.com

Thunderous shields clash

Worthy foes seek their glory

Fates weave victory

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