by Mistress Marion Lencina da Susa
In the last months of the Reign of King Abran and Queen Anya, in evening court at Ymir, then-Royal-
Highness Afshin’s “Uncle” Rasele approached Their Royal Majesties to request Royal Protection for his
merchant caravan on his return to the East. King Abran agreed that the Crown Prince should assemble
the populace and conduct the Caravan himself. (Of course, this Caravan was purely fictional, and
generated for the purpose of a through-line for Afshin and Yasmin’s reign, and to provide some ‘schtick’
in Court)
The call went out across the social media networks, and the “Caravan” was assembled. Upon ascending
to the Throne of the Kingdom, His Majesty Afshin declared that they would make good on their vow to
protect His ‘Uncle’ and that the Caravan would set out.
Thus, the tale of the Caravan was born, and their Royal Scribe and Chronicler Maryam, Sher al Susa
recorded every step of the way. The tale you are about to read is the account of that Journey of the
Great Atlantian Caravan to the East.
Greetings unto the most Noble and Generous Autocrats and Event Stewards of Atlantia from Marion, Leoncina da Susa, Chamberlain to their Royal Highnesses Afshin and Yasamin, Prince and Princess of the Sea-Foam Thrones – May they live forever!
Although their Majesties Abran and Anya yet Reign, Their Royal Highnesses are making plans for their Future Reign, should anything happen to their Majesties that would cause them to no longer sit on the Thrones of Atlantia. To that end, Their Highnesses are planning an extended journey along the Trade Routes to the East and cordially invite you to join our Caravan!
If your event already has a theme, we entirely understand – however, if you have not yet picked a theme for your event, or if you are flexible enough to consider incorporating any of the Caravan elements into your activities, we would LOVE to make your event a Stop on Their Road!
How can you participate? There are LOTS of ways to have fun!
- Pick a City or Location along one of the medieval Trade Routes to the East – this could be Silk Road, Amber Road, Spice Road, Rug Road – there are dozens of traditional stops to choose from!
- Sponsor a Caravan or Trade Route themed A&S
- Encourage Eastern Persona Play
- Host an Eastern Themed largess drive – What was traditionally made in that city/location? Printed shawls? Spice Packets? Glass or Amber beads? Cochineal dyes? What did they use as a primary trade good?
- Host Children’s activities that center on Eastern arts or dances
- Bring in belly Dancers for Pre-Court entertainment.
- Drape your Halls/Tents with colorful swathes of fabric to simulate an eastern-styled hall, pavilion or yurt – remember, we are traveling in a Caravan across the Continent
- Host an Eastern Themed luncheon or Feast – experiment with far-flung recipes and spices.
Whether you want to explore India, Persia, North Africa or Japan – There are SO many ways to Play!
Their Highnesses plan to work in some Caravan-Themed “schtick” during their Courts, and throughout their Reign. We are planning to be beset by brigands, marvel at the wonders of Eastern Baronial Courts, discuss and practice Eastern traditions and foods, and emulate those practices and traditions during their time on the Road. They are Travelers bringing the Might of Atlantia to the East and It is Their most fervent hope to elevate and expand the knowledge of our Kingdom with the research and arts of our Trade Routes to the Eastern Realms.
I will be actively coordinating Their Highness’ PR for events, and advertising Their coming stops along the Caravan Route. If you would like to join our caravan and theme your event to suit, please let me know and we can start brainstorming. We sincerely hope you will join us in making this Traveling Reign one to remember!
Vivat to our Autocrats for their Incredible Service!
Vivat to Their Highnesses for wanting to “play” and have some fun!
Vivat to Atlantia
And Vivat to our Shared Dream!
In Peace, In Service, and with Honor Above All,
I remain,
Marion, Leoncina da Susa
Here’s a couple of links that can help get you started:
Oyez! Oyez!
Good people of Atlantia – gather near and lend an ear to tidings from our Most Noble and Illustrious King and Queen, Afshin and Yasmin, Crowns of the Sea-foam Thrones, May they Live forever, and Their Stalwart Caravan to the East!
Having quested well into Turkish Cappadocia to appease the Dragon’s Fire, Their Royal Majesties’ Caravan to the East was beset by teams of bandits and raiders, who, though ultimately bested by His Majesty, still made off with a goodly portion of the camels, several horses, and three casks of Their Majesties’ finest Mead!! This last loss was deemed too great, and His Majesty Afshin has declared that His Caravan shall turn back, and seek a maritime route, proceeding from the Straights of Canakkale, where we may address the issue of our Provisions, and there also form more cohesive fighting units to better overcome the perils that lie ahead.
Here, with our backs to the coast and our eyes to the Rising Eastern Dawn, Shall we will train our Caravan’s Defenders to repel fierce fighting bands and brigands of all sorts and thusly shall Atlantia’s Army proceed in safety, and under the protection of our most accurate Archers, Swordsmen, and Spearmen!
And so thus do Their Majesties call for reinforcements – Come Good Fighters of Atlantia!! Come All who would support them with refreshments and succor!! Meet Their Royal Majesties at the Straits of Canakkale, Join our War Band, Muster your arms and your will to train with the Caravan Army of Atlantia at BAWT III!
Together, under the training of Atlantia’s fiercest generals, shall we hone the skills of Archers, Swordsmen, and Spearmen alike, to calibrate the ferocity of our Great Atlantian Army!!
These the Travels of Their Royal Majesties, Moste humbly and nobly reported by
Maryam, Sher al Susa
chronicler of the Mighty Caravan to the East
April 04/20 – 04/23 : BAWT III :North Myrtle Beach SC (Moorhaven) (Q K )
Do you want to Learn more about the Mighty Kale Sultanieh (Çanakkale)?
On the Road to Isfahan
Setting sail from Canakkale we ventured North and East on our maritime route. Our ships put port in Constantinople for some count of days, and we feared that we had lost many of our soldiers to the beauteous but wily women of the city, but King Afshin spoke to them of adventure and honor to be gained, and we successfully gathered our wayward sailors back aboard. Despite their distractions, our army gathered many riches and valuable victuals from the city, and thus fortified, we again set sail.
Threading through the Bosporus Straits into the Black Sea, we skirted north around the lands known as Anatolia, seeking to avoid those inner tribal nations whose previous escapades (and sweet-toothed Dragon) had so hindered our route. The waters were fair with a following breeze, and in short order we alighted on the coast, making port in the tiny village of Hopa, seeking to make our way unhindered overland and pass those warlike Anatolian beyliks.
And thus, having fortified our armies with bows, spears, glaives, and hauberks, and having tested their mettle with combat most fierce, women most seductive, and rolling seas of deepest wonder do we, this humble troupe, once more set forth into the wilds. We tread to seek trade, we quest to seek alliances, we caravan for the glory of Atlantia. And Lo, for the first time on this journey, we hear whispers of a mighty nation with whom we can countenance these wonders.
Word has been received of a Great and Mighty Tournament, that will showcase the prowess of the greatest fighters of the Known World. All the most notable combatants from across these lands will be present, and no finer opportunity for unity and equanimity could be made available to our King and Queen. We follow the rising dawn, charting a path across the mountains – for our guides say it is over 200 leagues of valley and scree that we must cross… but cross it we shall. For ahead we aim for the glory of this Tournament Field, for the beauty and grace of the artists of the Court, and for notable scholars housed in the University of the Shah at the Capital of the Seljuks:
We Caravan to Isfahan.
Truthfully conveyed and related, with humble heart and weary tread,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
VIVAT Afshin!!
VIVAT Yasmin!!
VIVAT Atlantia!!!
Want to know more about Isfahan?
Oyez! Oyez! Hear O Atlantia!
Having witnessed the glory of the Tournament in Isfahan, His Majesty was much impressed by the skill and prowess of the Noble and Pious Ragnarr Blackhammer and has welcomed him as a Son into Their Canvas Court. Their Royal Majesties have declared that, for Their love of His nobility, chivalry, and prowess, and the honor with which he fought for his Consort, Mary Isabel of Heatherstone, both Ragnarr and Mary Isabel shall be embraced as our Most Noble Family and shall be addressed as “Prince” and “Princess” among our Traveling band. And so, the Might of the Atlantian Caravan is made stronger, wiser, and more glorious to behold. Our heralds’ cries resound with the Might of our Kingdom with every tread of the camels’ toes across these foreign lands.
For now, however long we wished to tarry in the gardens of Isfahan, partaking of all the delights of Persia, Their Royal Majesties have determined it is time for us to set out to adventure once more into New Lands. Having been much impressed by the golden medallions Their Uncle Rasele procured in the market, Their Majesties have declared that we should seek out those artisans and offer them the patronage of the Court of Atlantia. Through diligent investigations it was determined that the golden roses were the product of a mighty school of smiths nestled deep at the base of the Hindu Kush, in a Karakhanid stronghold known as Samarkand.
The glories of the southern Kush must be both marveled at and endured, for here, in these early summer months, the moisture is low, the sun bears down, and the riverbeds run chattering over the stones. Each valley along our route plays host to herds of shepherds and their sheep, wending their way from dry wash to hillock, etching our path into the land. The air is clear and clean with the height of the mountains, and the Hawks fly above the Woods in search of prey. The caravanserai welcomes us along our weary way, and we gain both friends and family along this Regal Route.
Though footsore, our Hearts Rejoice at the Glory of our Crown and Kingdom,
Proudly brought forth to the Known World on the Trades Routes to the East!
Next stop . . . Samarkand …
Truthfully conveyed and related, with humble heart and weary tread,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
VIVAT Afshin!!
VIVAT Yasmin!!
VIVAT Atlantia!!!
Want to know more about the Caravanserai?
Oh Dear Atlantia, say your prayers to the Almighty for our company, for Lo! our party is divided, and some among us are LOST!!
The tale may be told thusly; We had traveled but a handful of days out from Isfahan, with the might and lure of the jewels of Samarkand before us, when our Caravan was forced to come to a halt!! For it was discovered that our southern nephews from the Ritterwald company had vanished! The whole of their camels and possessions, food carts, servants, and enslaved ones, were simply gone!!
Much discussion was had among the Crown and assembled Nobility – had they left us willingly? Had they been secreted away by a jinn? What fate could have befallen them, and when did the Moirai strike? None among us could say when last they had been seen, for oft times they linger at the tail of the Company, and protect our southernmost borders when encamped.
Though the Crown was loathe to divide us, for we are in mountainous and treacherous lands, a heart-rending decision had to be made. For the faint hope that all is not in vain, and in keeping with the tradition and honor of helping our own, we are parted – His Majesties’ Beloved Uncle Rasele is sent forth with a small band to find our wayward nephews. Their Majesties Afshin and Yasmin, moste Noble and Honorable Rulers of the Sea Foam Thrones, May They live Forever, are accompanied, and championed by the most noble Baron of the Hawkwood and shall continue into the new worlds, in hopes of securing safe passage to Samarkand. It has been agreed that runners shall be sent at a minimum of thrice each lunar cycle, so that words of comfort may be shared, to enable our band to be reunited once they are found, and also for the health and progress of each company be known by all.
And so, though all be afeard that we open our Crowns up to additional dangers by splitting our strength, we are resolved to gather the wayward ponies back inside the canvas corral and reunite the great Atlantian Caravan to the East!!
Vivat to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin for Their Honor!!
Vivat to the Baron and Baroness of the Hawkwood for Their Moste Noble Protections!!
Vivat for the Skill of our Atlantian Trackers – may they prove worthy!
VIVAT to the Caravan to the East!!
Truthfully conveyed and related, with sorrow for our loss, and fear at our parting,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Want to know more?
Their Majesties are headed to the Hawkwood:
Where in the world has the Ritterwald company gotten to?
In the City of Samarkand
lo – Even though the sun does Rise in the East over the mountains, and calls to our Spirits “Go forth once more…” for today, our Noble King Afshin has declared that we will take a blessed Rest, here in the beauteous City of Samarkand.
This Mighty City, nestled in the broad river valley of the Zeravshan has won our hearts, and instilled in us great joy and much Peace. For here, among the groves of palms, the cooing doves, and the gently rippling waters, flows courtly hospitality and deep friendship for Our weary Travelers.
Our runners have returned to us from the South bearing news that our wayward Nephews are safe, and under the stern care of their Dear Uncle Rasele. They gave him no excuses for their absence, saying only that “There was a Tournament . . . “ Rasele issued letters of assurance to Their Majesties that, while he will be firm in his discipline, he will also be kind, and will take His Majesties’ Kin aside and will teach them the ways of the Sword and Bow. He hopes to return them to Our Migrant Court within a moon’s time, but hedges a bit given the roads and potential bandits.
Meanwhile, the Baron and Baroness of Caer Mear, in discussions with the local magistrates, have proposed to Their Majesties that they bide our time in Samarkand with a Great Joust! The Kahn who currently rules over these lands leads fierce and fearless horsemen, and they will stop at nothing to test their mettle on the Field of Battle. Not wanting to cause offence among our new friends, His Majesty has agreed to pit our warriors against theirs in a tournament to last several days. Seasoned and new fighters both will have opportunities to test their mettle, as will our archers and artisans. They are calling it the “Ruby Joust” and the prizes offered by the Kahn will call to even the wealthiest among us to take the Field. Even His Majesty has vowed to take the day, as the Amethysts and Rubys in the Victors’ Chests would fill out the coffers of our Kingdom quite nicely.
And so, with full bellies, soft beds, and contented hearts the Atlantian Caravan rests a while. We hear news of much turmoil in the North and to the East; great armies are mustering, and there is talk among the khans of WAR. But for now, in this moment, we feast, we dance, we sing, and we embrace Peace.
Truthfully conveyed and related, with joyful heart and healing soul,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Vivat for our Combatants in the Upcoming Joust!
Vivat for the Artisans who brighten and enlighten our Tents!
VIVAT for the Atlantian Caravan to the East!
Want to know more?
In the Fergana Valley, City of Osh
Well rested and once again underway, our Caravan wends its way across the vast Fergana valley, a fertile and hospitable land of shepherds and wise men. It is said that once Solomon himself called this region home, and we hold it to be true enough, for it is an austere but beautiful land worthy of that great prophet. The smiles of the people, and the hospitality of their tents ease our travels and bring blessings to our spirits as we make our way to the north of the great Hindu Kush and into the lands of the Tien Shan. We take comfort this day in the shade of the great Mountain of Sulayman, and marvel at its sheer heights and magnificent austerity. Truly, our host city of Osh has much to commend to the Known World.
In the evenings, as we gather around our fires, our Noble and Generous King speaks kind words of encouragement and comforts his restless warriors. Our Beauteous Queen Yasmin lays her gentle hands on weary and tense shoulders and brings the light of her eyes and the sweetness of Her voice to our hearts. She sings to us of Atlantia, our distant home, and of the bravery, kindness, and nobility of Her People. Battle-hardened knights and still-untested youth alike all lean into the flames as the bards regale us with ancient tales carried from mouth to mouth out of the Levant. While those lands are far behind us now, we take comfort in the universal lessons learned from Ali Baba, Nur Al-din, and the tale of the three apples.
The Great Joust of Rubies yielded us many more warriors capable of battle, and our ranks have been doubled by ambitious Novices, eager to learn the ways of the Knight and Masters of Defense. As we journey, the Baron and Baroness of Storvik have pledged to undertake the tutelage of these untested and unbelted worthies and have conspired to pit them against one another in hand-to-hand combat. Likewise, our equestrian assemblage has been bolstered by many of the Mongol horsemen and daily they practice their maneuvers.
Tournaments and jousts are held on the outskirts of the Camp, and oft bring the local population out to witness the prowess of our combatants. To the delight of our eyes and the elation of our ears come the sights and sounds of great and noble combat, and the cheers and gentle chiding of our witnesses and warriors spur our troops on to further greatness. We know that, while our newest fighters may be green and wet behind the ears today, they shall not be called Novices or remain Unbelted for long.
Our runners continue to bring word of unrest in the North, and we are afeared that our Route may lead us into battle most vicious in the near future. Daily news reaches the King of more raids and terror visited upon the tribes in the mountains. Though we remain untouched at this time, we sharpen our blades and hone our skills, for we know a day will come when we will be at Peace no more. The Rumble of War in the land of the Coopers’ Lake strikes a fire withing our hearts like a flint to tinder and ignites the passion within our souls. While we train in the comfort of our camp with Peace on our borders, Our Caravan is slowly wending its way to War . . .
Truthfully conveyed and related, with a spirit for learning and a soul for combat,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Vivat King Afshin!
Vivat Queen Yasmin!
Vivat for the Caravan to the East!
Want to know more about Osh?
Where is the Caravan this weekend?
The Journey of Sand
Gentle friends, my hand quakes and my soul is weary, for I hesitate to recount the travels of the Mighty Atlantian Caravan, for gentle though your spirits may be, and noble your hearts, it will not do well for your health to hear so woeful a tale that may be told of these past moons…
But the tale must be told and our journey must go on…
From the respite and comfort in the green of the Fergana Valley, your stalwart King Afshin and Queen Yasmin, first of Their Names, May They Live Forever, took council from the local sherpas who had knowledge of the ways through these mountain passes. Two routes, equally fraught with danger and hardship, were presented to our King. For before us lay the greatest ocean of sand seen by the eyes of man, The Taklamakan Desert, and its impenetrable depths must be skirted for our travels to continue.
The first route, north through mountain passes and high steep valleys had but a few stops and was deemed too steep, too wild, and too narrow a way for our great numbers. Despite being regaled with tales of the glory and beauty of Aksu, the weathered cliffs and the shaded columns of sandstone warming in the late evening sun, we were deterred from that passage, and selected instead the less rigorous, less mountainous, and lower-lying passage to the south.
Dear friends – my heart trembles and pines – would that we had attempted the northern route, this tale may have been a different one. Only the fates know whether Our King chose wisely, and if the tale of our passage would have ended differently…
But I digress…
The Southern Route, traversing the sands along the southern rim of this deadly basin, was advertised as being less scenic, but having more watering holes, and greater opportunity for refreshment and succor for our steeds. Great welcome we would find in the Oasis of Khotan and again in the Columned City of Niya – much touted as a destination for desert wanderers.
We set out, with joyful and trusting hearts, placing our hope and our health with the capable guide from Fergana, one Mendacious by name, knowing only that while hardship may await, our new friend had only our best interest in mind.
But the sands shift, the sun is blinding, the way is unmarked, and the horses and camels were overburdened. We foundered and floundered, struggling through deep valleys of scree, over high dunes of shifting silt, and through narrow passages worn only by the whipping of the unrelenting winds. Early on, our Atlantean fighters, so used to ample refreshment from our water-bearers, and unskilled in the talents of the long-trek were careless with their consumption of both our foodstuffs and our water, and we soon ran low on both. Tempers flared and patience grew thin. Trust began to wear out.
Khotan was all it had been promised, and we took refuge there in the oasis, reviewing and learning anew the skills we would need to continue the passage. Water skins refilled, stores replenished with what dried meats, fish, eels and grains the valley could provide, we set off with hopeful hearts once more.
Days passed – I have lost the count of how many – as we traversed ever east, facing the rising sun. We would set off in the cool before the dawn, marching under the clear skies with nothing but starlight to guide us, until the gentle bluing in the East heralded the coming of Helios… whereupon He would ignite the sands of hell. Upon Sunrise we would halt and spread great low covers of canvas for shade, and we would wait, impatient for the day to release us from the cruel oven of these shifting plains.
The Columned city of Niya was oft whispered to us as refuge, succor, an Oasis of beauty and hope. We trudged on with that grand offering before us, knowing only that there was splendor and healing to be had. We were deceived.
For Niya my friends, is a city of the dead, and now only the dead remain.
So vast was our disappointment in the deception, our own King Afshin, in his rightful wrath, decreed that our “guide,” Mendacious, should be put out of the Caravan, and left to wander without the support of our Army. We took refuge under our canvas, resting and taking account of our stores, our outer perimeter left unguarded, and in such dejected and unaware state, we were beset by a tribe of nomads.
They came upon us late in the day after our horses and camels were blown and we were weary. The fight, if such it can be called was brief, the outcome virtually foretold. Our losses were steep, and we left many a noble warrior to rest in the barren waste that is Niya, forever to remain in the company of that desiccated cemetery.
Our hope lost, guide gone, stores low, with water barely filling out the skins of our canteens, we had no choice but to wander on. East – to the rising sun – ever East and onward. Slowly the sands withdrew, the earth firmed beneath our feet, and a trickle of water began to flow as a road slowly emerged from the wasteland. Somehow, by the grace of the gods or the fates, and with the Noble Guidance of our Most Worthy King, we made our way around that great bowl of death, and into the valley Oasis of Yueyaquanzhen – The Crescent Lake.
Refreshed, skins filled, but still low on victuals, we traveled to the southeast, seeking the shelter and hospitality. A few kind locals, whose minimal lifestyle afforded little in the way of succor, pointed us to the monks who reside in the Mogao caves, and said that Budda’s ministers would provide.
And so, gentle friends, it is here in these caves, wedged into a tiny sliver of verdant valley, that the Great Atlantian Caravan has come to rest. Our numbers greatly reduced, and our supplies ravaged, our King must make an Assessment of His troops, and determine our path forward. For now, we are but few, but we are determined – we shall go FORWARD!! Onward Atlantia!! Onward to the East!!
Truthfully conveyed and related, with a weary heart and a bruised spirit,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
VIVAT for the Leadership of our Great King Afshin!
VIVAT for the stalwart Courage and Beauty of our Queen Yasamin!
VIVAT Atlantia!
Where is the Caravan this weekend?
Want to know more about the southern passage around the Taklamakan Desert basin?
The ancient silk road city of Hotan:
The dead city of Niya:
The Magao Caves:
The Glories of the East
Gentle Citizens of Atlantia, it has come to this: Through trials, tribulations, gratitude, and grief, over currents of the swiftest waters, and rivers of driest sand, we have arrived in the East.
The stated purpose of the mighty Atlantian Caravan was to increase the might, power, and trade capacity of our Atlantian Throne. Through new friendships forged on the battlefield and in the stateroom – whether under columns of stone or billowing canvas, we hoped to learn and grow, to forge alliances and celebrate new-found kinship with peoples and places previously unknown to us. To hear the laughter of new friends and toast in new languages to once unheard-of gods.
And here, now, in the most elegant City of Chang’an, under the clear starlit skies, we marvel at our fortune to have come so far, to have seen so many wonders, and to be here in the lands of the New-risen Sun.
As you may recall from my last missive, we had suffered great losses at the hands of the nomads in the desert and were woefully dispirited. Our forces were weakened, and our basic survival was of paramount importance. His Majesty Afshin, First of his Name, May He live forever, knew that the strength of his army was spent, and granted respite to His troops in the caves of the Mogao. The Monks of the moste Gracious Buddha gave us succor, and in those cooling caverns we took our ease. Whether warrior or tradesman, all gave thanks to the gods for our safe passage, and fierce words were reduced to whispers of prayers as if our people were sleeping babes; healing is best accomplished in the soft solitude of sleep. Her Majesty Yasmin, Blessed Lady of the Sea, went to and fro, speaking words of comfort and healing, that her grace might be imparted to her people.
Such were these bless’d days of rest.
Our King took His Assessment of the warriors, knowing full well that the heart may heal even though the body remains broken. Under His Majesty’s careful vigilance, our valiant warriors, though road weary and bedraggled, took heart once more, and after three nights of respite, we prepared to take up our packs, and continue on with our journey.
Our road out of the desert caves into fresh green lands was unperturbed, and we saw no need to push the people along the way. The land undulated and rippled, though ever upward our steps lead, as if out of the valley of death, and into life once more. Dry hills with barely sustaining freshets of clear water running between them gave way to tall mountains clothed in unfamiliar forests of trees like tent-poles. The faces and voices of the people changed – the dialect of the villagers is unlike any to previously grace our ears, and the forms of the houses seem alien to our eyes. The names of the towns we pass through are unlike any we have heard thus-far: Jiuquan, Jinchang, Wuwei, Pingliang – the sounds of the words are like the tinkling of bells, though truth be told, the untutored tongue is hard-pressed to make the forms correctly. This is a gentle land, a noble land, and Our road is peopled with generous smiles, gracious bows, and hospitable hearths.
Ever to the East our steps have lead, and finally we have found it – the heart of the Kingdoms of the Peoples of the East – the wonderous City of Cheng’an.
Good people of Atlantia – if only you could see this marvel! It is a walled city made of numerous inner sanctuaries, monasteries, markets, temples, courtyards, and palaces. It is timeless – none can tell us when it began, and it seemingly has no end. As one wanders there are new palaces built atop ancient structures, built over gardens and palaces older than time itself, a seemingly endless series of growth, decline, expansion, and retirement. This place has been a capital and a cattle-shed, dependent upon the rulers of the time, and has been known by many names over the centuries.
We know it now as Cheng’an, and it is a place of wonderment.
But even as we rest here in these opulent palaces, we are given pause. The Governor here tells us that there are tribes in the north – Mongols by name – whose leaders are fierce horse-born warriors. They are gathering armies from across the northern plains for a great conflict, and there are whispers of WAR in the wind. It seems that, just when we have found our sanctuary, we will be swept up in the dealings of petty rulers, and would-be kings. Who can tell what alliances our King and Queen will be called to make in these next few weeks . . .
For now, our water skins are full, our swords are sharp, and we are ready. We make games out of our practice – pitting our skills against one another, making challenges of strength and cunning – Warriors’ Games they are called. We laugh, we boast, there is dice and drinking – but in truth we are training. The Road is not done; we know safety and comfort is fleeting.
WAR is coming for Atlantia.
Truthfully conveyed and related, through an optimistic but realistic pen,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
VIVAT for the Leadership of our Great King Afshin!
VIVAT for the stalwart Courage and Beauty of our Queen Yasmin!
VIVAT for Atlantia!
Where is the Caravan this weekend?
Warrior Games:
Want to know more?
The City of Chang’an at the Eastern End of the Silk Roads:
Oh, gentle Atlantia – How I wish I could write to you once more of comfort, of riches, and of the glories of Chang’An. How I long to tell you of gentle days and soft nights, whispers of silk, endless buffets, and the melody of the guan sighing over the murmurs of the Courtiers. How I long to tell you of the end of our journey, and the rest and peace we have achieved here in the home of the rising sun.
But alas, that is a missive which I cannot even begin to pen, for we could not be further from that far-flung dream.
And truthfully, though I sorrow to tell it, I will tell, for there are those among you who have husbands and wives, fathers and brothers, daughters and sons among our company and this may be the last you hear of them, and this their star-crossed journey.
For, Noble and Gentle Atlantia, this plagued, ill-fated Caravan has gone to WAR.
It happened thus . . .
At the bequest of the vice-chancellor, His Majesty Afshin and His Beauteous Queen and Consort Yasmin had made a home in one of the greater palaces of Chang’An; a dappled and shaded enclave of tender cherry trees and graceful willows. All the Caravan was housed near to Their palace, and the markets of the city had been opened for our Trade and Goods. Our camels were fatted, the stalls of our merchants overflowed with treasure, and we celebrated as only those who have cheated death on the Road can do. The prowess of our fighting force garnered praise and accolades, and the strength of our King became known throughout the province. Though we had called Chang’An home for less than a season, the honorific “Atlantian” became a much-valued title. We became accustomed to the language and the people, and were prepared to hang up our traveling staves, and call this new nation “home”.
Now, as it happened, one afternoon our King and the Chancellor of Chang’An were taking their ease under the willows, when a harried messenger arrived on a travel-blown pony, and promptly began crying out to be taken before the King. When summoned before the Nobles for an audience, the bedraggled rider was seen to be a Tatar boy – tender in age and almost destroyed with fatigue. With the last of his strength, he unpacked his rucksack and brought forth a stained and crumpled missive. Wrapped within this rough parchment was penned a tale of most bloody conquest, vile treachery, and wanton slaughter that both chilled and boiled the blood of Our Atlantian Crown.
The tender age of the child, coupled with the horrors he described, wrenched the heart of Our King and He sought vengeance on behalf of this lad and his tribe. Thus, He called to his Caravan, both warriors and statesmen alike, and bade us to act, and act swiftly. For it is known to all in the East that while the northern tribes may quarrel among themselves, one tribe cannot be allowed to rule, and there can be no room for hesitation when entire peoples are targeted for subjugation and slavery. We had heard the rumors of this fierce concurring chieftain, and it was said by all that this one – known as “Temüjin” – wished to conquer the whole of the steppe peoples, and that our neighbors to the North had nothing that would allay his quest for power.
And so, thus we rally to the Crown of Atlantia to seek honor, noble battle, and resolute justice for the Tatar people. The Caravan has once more set off, all our tradesmen and warriors in tow, to bring the Might of Atlantia to the Warring Mongols of the North!! On the battle fields of the Northern Steppes will we fight for victory and those of us who do not fight will work diligently to supply our troops, aide in healing, water the thirsty, and ply our trades.
Pray for your People Atlantia! Make offerings and intersessions for your Crown and the Flower of our Kingdom! Lift your voices and raise your glasses – for we need your strength, we need your faith, and we need all the luck the gods will grant us –
The Mighty Atlantian Caravan rides to WAR!!
Truthfully conveyed and related, and penned in the blood of our enemies,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Vivat to our Victorious King!!
Vivat to our Beauteous Queen!!
Vivat for our Noble Warriors!!
Can you guess where the Caravan is going?
Who is this emerging Mongol Chieftain who is concurring (and unifying) the Tatar people?
Hear now O Gentle Atlantia –
How joyful it is to be safe – to have found rest and recuperation under the noble and virtuous pagodas of the glorious city of Xi’an. This walled city has welcomed these weary voyagers, martial and brave Atlantians all, to take comfort in whispered halls and shaded courtyards, far from the fields of battle.
As you may remember, the Tartar boy, full of his tales of woe, had come to our King begging for recompence against the depredations of the warrior “Temüjin”. His people were being slaughtered, and his lands overcome. There was little hope left in his fathers, and naught but tears in the eyes of the mothers as their lands were forcefully taken from them. With each word from the child’s lips the wrath of our King Afshin increased, and it was His vow to avenge the wrongful acts of violence upon such a peaceful and noble people.
We set out – marching north to War – with the knowledge that, while some measure of Atlantian blood may be spilled, we marched for right and good. Our warriors had been honed these many, many months on the Caravan Road; our steel was sharp, our eyes keen, and the strength of our army unmatched in the East.
And Lo Atlantia – I do say unto you, with humility foremost, but also with great Pride, our Army bested all that we encountered!! Our warriors laid waste to the Tartar’s foes and reclaimed much of the lands that had been falsely claimed by the brigands of Temüjin!! After some weeks of travel (on dusty and and little traveled roads – truly, we were in the great nowhere), we found the brigands camped on the plains of the Guanzhong, now called by some the “Pennsic”. Despite their fierce reputations as mighty horsemen, the forces of the Atlantian Army easily encircled the enemies’ yurts and routed their forces with minimal losses to our people. Indeed Atlantia, my heart sings with joy to tell of our great victory!! These “Mongols”, despite their reputed prowess, proved to be no match for our noble Knights, and we emerged victorious upon the plains of the East!!
The feasting and celebrations were truly amazing, and the virtues and victories of Atlantia were lauded deep into the night. Though separate and divided into individual chieftain’s camps, The Tartar people are now united, and the love of life flows through all. Around countless separate campfires we told our tales and filled cups to overflowing. Meads, wines, beers, and more were shared among our people, and from the bright fields of the “Serengeti” encampments to the flowing waters surrounding the camps of the “Bog”, Atlantia was known for prowess, nobility, and honor. Oh Atlantia, it does my heart good to tell you of these victories, and the joy of your people. Long have we traveled, and the hardships have been many, but to emerge here and now, victorious, whole, and at Peace, gives me no end of relief.
But now dear Atlantia, our thoughts begin to turn to home. After the battles and the feasting, we once again set out to the east and south, for it is still the Will of our King and Queen that we reach the farthest stretches of the Eastern Lands. We have come to the noble city of Xi’an and have set our burdens down once more, taking our ease among the stones of the Stele forest. We have seen such sights. So many glories have greeted us upon the Roads. At the will of our King, we turn our faces to the dawn, greeting each new adventure with good will . . . but in truth, we desire to be home. So many, many steps have our weary feet trod.
Atlantia, we are at peace. The trade routes have been profitable, and new relations have been built that will last lifetimes. Our King and Queen, Afshin and Yasmin, First of their Names, Rulers of the Sea Foam Thrones, are listening to their advisors, and despite the adventures yet to be gained, they speak of a will to begin the long journey home.
Truthfully conveyed and related, with wistful dreams of a home in the West,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Vivat to our Victorious King!!
Vivat to our Beauteous Queen!!
Vivat for our Noble Warriors!!
Want to learn more?
Read about the Stele Forest in Xi’an
Where is the Caravan Resting this weekend?
The Western Journey Home –
Hear O Atlantia, for though the tale has been lengthy and this chronicler is long-winded, the time has come for the doorways of this tale to begin to close, and for your wandering children to finally start on their journey home.
Long has the road been, and many the trials and tribulations of your people. Through it all, we have never lost heart, and never lost hope in the might and strength of our King and Queen. King Afshin, First of His name, Ruler of the Sea-Foam Thrones, and Warrior of both the Coastal Lands and Western Mountains, bids his people to sweep the hearth, prepare the board, slaughter the tenderest meats and wash the finest linens. In but a few short weeks we shall once more be within the boundaries of our great Kingdom and celebrating among our dearest friends and relations.
But first . . .
We had made our way so far to the East, into lands unknown, and in the courts of peoples both strange to our eyes but wonderous to our Spirits, that we did not know with certainty that we should ever venture to the western lands again. But, by the grace of the gods Our King professed some weariness with His wandering, and decreed in the city of Xi’an that we should, once more, turn our countenances to the setting sun. He did not however, wish to retrace our steps, for, as Her Beauteous Majesty Yasmin was inclined to remind us, there are still new paths to tread and adventures to be had, though we are setting out to our retirement.
From Xi’an we determined that a more southern route would be advantageous, not wishing to repeat the perils within the bowl of the great desert. Thus, Our route took us to the south and west, ever West, into a region more mountainous than ever our eyes had yet beheld. Oh Atlantia – these Mountains!! The peaks rose so high into the sky that our eyes beheld the stars and moon tripping over the knife edge of the ridges and rippling along their way through the skies. The people of these mountains are so generous and so true – the woman singing strange high melodies that reach deep into the soul, and the monks chanting a deep throated counterpoint that sends chills down the spine. In the country, they live in colorful huts wrapped in deep woolen felt, secure and warm in the deep valleys cleft in the rock. These noble peoples venture high into the peaks for meditation and prayer, and there you can wonder at their temples. Their largest city, Kathmandu, nestles in a great valley that they say was once filled with a snake-infested lake, which was drained by the gods to make their fertile valley nestled in the clouds. We think the tales may be true, for one truly feels close to the gods here in these lands.
Coming down from the heights found us in a warmer and greener land, and we skirted the mountains, holding them always on our right, our route again to the west but also curving north, and we once more had to shade our eyes from the setting sun. Travelers and traders along the routes, having been a scant few when we were in the heights, again became more numerous, and we heard tales of a city of learning and education nestled along a great river that they called the Indus. Having a desire to learn more about the political and social teachings of these lands, our Noble and Virtuous King decreed that we should tarry at this University for a bit, to better expand our knowledge of these lands and these peoples.
So, my dear Atlantia, again we rest . . . We are coming home – this I promise you! But for a few short days we will learn and grow here in this University of hope and healing. May it add to our wealth, both in our knowledge and our spirits.
Truthfully conveyed and related, within the shadows of the mighty arched halls of Taxila,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Vivat to our Victorious King!!
Vivat to our Beauteous Queen!!
Vivat for our Noble Warriors!!
Want to know more?
Hear some beautiful Tibetan Throat Singing:
Learn about Taxshashila (Taxila) University
Where is the Royal Caravan resting this weekend?
Fall University
In the shadow of the Mountain
Hear now O Atlantia – your people are coming home.
In the restful halls of the Taxila University we learned much and heard the words and wisdom of the Hindi scholars, but our hearts were uneasy. For the great caravan road stretches out before our feet and these western paths call our spirits to the coastal shores and wooded hinterlands of our home.
So, we tarried but a few short days, and are once again upon the route, burdened with the riches of the our conquests and capital; our King and Monarch Afshin is a wise and noble ruler who has brokered excellent dealings among the merchants we have met on this incredible journey. Our camels and horses, (lo even the asses) protest at the weight of their packs, so profitable has been our quest.
We march slowly but surely, and we gain many furlongs each day as we travel. Our nights are full of merriment, and there are no fears of attack or marauders, for we have once more entered the lands of our King’s people. Daily we greet familiar friends and family who come out to witness our passing and share an evening or two by the Atlantian Caravan’s many, many fires.
And oh – gentle Atlantia – I have the honor to convey the greatest and most uplifting news!! Our beloved Uncle Rasele, together with all of his host and company (including our misguided Nephews from Ritterwald, may their mischievous behinds ever be sore from the paddling they are to recieve) were sighted by a passing fleet-footed messenger, who encountered them along the road mere days behind our path! The tale he told to us was one of sheer amazement; we sat agog as he relayed the news: Rasele has been following our Caravan every step of the way!! He was far behind us as we took our ease in Samarkand, but as you may recall, had relayed that he hoped to catch up with us within a moon’s time. He made great haste and was within a week of catching up as we rested in Osh, and mere days behind our steps as we crossed the great desert! He followed us north into the mountains, and searched the battlefields for us after we defeated the Mongols, but his searching was in vain. Finally, he had almost caught us in Xi’an, but we were lost to him again when we set off into the great mountains surrounding Kathmandu.
But now dear cousins, he has sent word via this messenger that he will meet us at the feet of the Great Mountain, the monolith they call Masis, known to our King as Kūh-e Nūḥ, the Mountain of Noah. There, in the shadow of the most holy mountain of Ararat, we will await our King’s beloved Uncle, and look to celebrate the return His dearest family (errant Nephews and all) back into the safety and security of the Great Atlantian Caravan. Our king is so overjoyed at the news of Rasele’s imminent return that he has agreed to host a grand tournament with the Magnificent Silver Chalice he recovered from the yurt of the vicious Kahn as the most worthy prize. All our novice fighters are queueing up for the opportunity to welcome Rasele and to whup his errant nephews on the Tournament field of battle.
Truthfully conveyed and related, with a joyful spirit and a ready butt-paddle,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones, May They Live Forever
Want to know more?
Where is the Caravan waiting for Rasele?
Where can you find the King and Queen this weekend?
Silver Chalice:
The Final Chapter. . .
Hear now O Atlantia as we at last come to the end of the great Tale of the Atlantian Caravan. Long has been our road, and many were the perils we did overcome, ‘til finally, here we rest, and here we are at Peace, for now we have come once more to the shores of the Great City of Constantinople.
The Caravan has proven fruitful beyond reconning, and as King Afshin and Queen Yasmin sit in contemplation in the Halls of the Hagia Sophia, They know that Their reign has been one of boundless victories, vast adventures, and so, so much more; the intangible glories, honors, and memories that we will carry with us will endure long after the gold is spent, and the silks have worn away to shredded rags. With his beauteous Queen Yasmin by his side, Our King has led His people into unchartered territories, has made Atlantia known across many continents; the valor of the Atlantian Caravan is praised in innumerable tongues.
But my dear friends, cousins all, my heart swells to near bursting to tell the last of our tale, for though I sorrow to speak it, there is also joy at the telling . . .
Our Beloved Crown’d King, Ruler of all the lands from the farthest Atlantian north, where autumn’s cool breath already begins to turn the leaves to russet, to the deepest southern realms where calm waters lay a border through the vale; our Protector, our Monarch and Friend, vouches that he will not take this final journey back across the Seas to our Homeland. For Our Heroic King and Noble Ruler tells us that his heart is content, and He shall wander no more. Though there is barely a whisper of silver in His Mighty beard, and His sword remains as potent as before, beneath the shadowed vales of the city, along the walks and the fountains, between the dappled glades and sweet cooing of the doves our Sovereign has once more fallen in love, both with Constantine’s beauteous city, and with his beloved Queen.
As all men know, the Weight of the Crown is taxing, and the honor of Rule can be both a blessing and a curse. In as much as the blessings have been copious, our King is loathe to carry the burden of the Crown any longer, and wishes instead to retire here among these fabled gardens, and to enjoy the sweet company of his beloved wife. To accomplish this transition with as little upset or internal strife as possible, His Majesty has commanded that together with Their moste honored Uncle Rasele, and the bulk of the proceeds from the Caravan’s gains, I, Maryam Sher al Susa, being but a humble chronicler and scribe, shall hasten to return to Their Heirs and Populace with a simple message – Prepare Yourselves.
The martial prowess of Prince Ragnarr is known throughout the lands, and the kindness and grace of Princess Mary Isabel is highly regarded; it is well understood that They have proven honorable and true in their Service as Prince and Princess to our fair Kingdom, holding the walls of the Atlantian bastion safe and secure while Their Majesties were on Their travel. This steadfast service, coupled with Their great renown has proven them most worthy Heirs to the Crown and Kingdom, and at this time, His Majesty Afshin and Her Majesty Yasmin beseech Their Heirs to take up the mantle of the Monarchy, and henceforth Rule in their stead. Upon receipt of this missive, their Highnesses are to make ready, and assemble all good and worthy Nobility of Atlantia to witness their Coronation and Elevation to the Thrones of the Mighty Kingdom of Atlantia.
So gather near my dear people, friends and fellow travelers! Pack your belongings once more and set your sails; We have been called to witness the future of the Kingdom unfold! Join us as we celebrate one last time the Might and Glory of King Afshin and Queen Yasmin, and provide them with the tally of their victories and well wishes for a pleasant and prosperous retirement. Then dear people, we shall take to our ships and set sail for HOME! A new King and Queen await us over the seas, the Thrones of Atlantia shall be once again be filled, and the halls shall ring with the joyous songs of the minstrels.
Truthfully conveyed and related from my already-packed traveling desk,
By Maryam, Sher al Susa
Scribe and chronicler to Their Royal Majesties Afshin and Yasmin
Retiring King and Queen of the Sea-Foam Thrones,
May They Live and Love Forever in the hallowed halls of Constantinople.
Want to know more?
See a 3D rendering of the Amazing City of Constantinople
The Coronation of Ragnarr and Mary Isabel:
This tale was lovingly penned one weekend at a time by Marion, Leoncina da Susa whose original persona was a Persian woman known as Maryam Sher al Susa.
It has been an honor to serve.