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Most Recent Articles

  • The Great Atlantian Caravan
    by Mistress Marion Lencina da Susa In the last months of the Reign of King Abran and Queen Anya, in evening court at Ymir, then-Royal-Highness Afshin’s “Uncle” Rasele approached Their Royal Majesties to request Royal Protection for hismerchant caravan on his return to the East. King Abran agreed that the Crown Prince should assemblethe populace…
  • Atlantia Kingdom A&S Champion for Winter Reign and Gulf Wars A&S Competition Info
    By Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences Atlantia’s Champions are selected by each Crown with the methods of their choosing. The Atlantia Kingdom A&S Champion for the winter reign is expected to either compete at Gulf Wars or help the Crown find a proxy. (see Oak article with details here:…
  • A&S Notables and Champions of Atlantia
    By Dame Sophia the Orange, Atlantia Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences December 12, 2024 At the Atlantia Curia meeting of March 10, 2024, while at Gulf Wars, Their Majesties Mary Isabel and Ragnarr decided on numerous changes to Atlantia Kingdom law. Some of these changes applied to the arts and sciences, specifically how Kingdom…
  • Stollen with Raisins, Candied Citrus Peel, Almonds, and Marzipan
    by Lady Clara Huttmacher (Shire of Roxbury Mill) The history of stollen is wrapped up in both the (Roman Catholic) church and the Duchy of Saxony.“Dresden Stollen” as we know it today is said to have originated in 1329 as a result of a contest offered by the Bishop of Naumburg (an 11th Century castle…
  • Cultura Atlantia, Coronation of Randall and Iul’iana, October 2024
    by Baronesa Beatriz Aluares de la Oya Greetings fair Atlantia! 6 talented artisans competed or displayed in Cultura Atlantia at the Coronation of Randall and Iul’iana! Each and every one presented an outstanding example of their art or science, and I want to thank each of them for entering. The theme of Cultura was 865…
  • Pompeii 2024 [Album Contains Adult Content]
    by Lady Sonya Flicker called Patches In the summer of 2024, Lady Patches traveled to Pompeii and brought home some fantastic pictures of the beautifully preserved city. The full album can be viewed here: Pompeii 2024 Album [Contains Adult Content] Please note, that due to the nature of ancient art, there is some adult content…
  • Tempore Atlantia, Fall Crown 2024, 1500-1600
    Greetings fair Atlantia, and vivat for the Heirs! 16 talented artisans competed or displayed in Tempore Atlantia at Crown Tourney for the heirs, Abran and Anya! Each and every one presented an outstanding example of their art or science, and I want to thank each of them for entering. The winner of Tempore 1500-1600 was…
  • A Study in Morien: A scabbard and handle for a longsword
    By Lord Alexander of Ayr Description: The scabbard serves to store and carry a sword when not in use. It further serves to protect the blade from water and other oxidizers, as well as protect random objects from coming into contact with the sword’s edge. The leather extension on the handle that covers the opening…
  • What is Highland Hearthglow?
    by Noble Scandal mac Rofir One of the most important things I learned early in the Society is that events happen because passionate, organized, generous people make them happen. Like projects across all walks of life, they are born mostly out of hard work by many hands. But first, there has to be a vision….
  • Exhibition: Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru
    by Lady Sof’ia Dolgorukaia In November 2021, I visited the Boca Raton Museum of Art for their exhibition on Machu Picchu and the Golden Empires of Peru. Below are some of the highlights from my visit. Please visit the album for images of all the artifacts, and their captions, in the exhibition. The album can…

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